July 16, 2013


This little amateur Instagram photo is of my accessories for a beach wedding I attended in Mozambique.
Accessorize... it's not just the name of one of my favourite stores (ps: oh how I love the little Accessorize areas in Edgars stores, after I've been to the Forever New areas of course!). Accessories can make or break an outfit. As this particular wedding was on the beach and I did not want to shine bright (like a diamond), I opted for some braiding and turquoise instead.
My dress was a cobalt blue chiffon one with little detail on the bodice therefore the acccessories could have been any colour in the universe and I selected colours that fits in perfectly on a white Mozambique beach with the turquoise ocean in the background.

This little collection on my arm originates from different shops in South Africa and did not cost me a fortune...
They are from a little amazing shop(the name escapes me) in Heidelberg Gauteng as well as Sass Diva (Brooklyn Mall) and two of the bracelets are little charity bracelets you can buy at Edgars or CNA.

These bracelets were the only jewelry I wore to this wedding as I could hear the voice of Coco Chanel in the back of my head saying: "Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and remove one accessory."

...and who will ever try to argue with the stylish Coco Chanel?... not me

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