September 10, 2013

Shower me with Shoes

I am not ashamed to admit that I am a total shoe addict, I have countless pairs and no space to put it and still buying more and more…and more…

This post was inspired by a gift I received last week: I got home one day after work to find a beautiful box with the name ‘ERROL ARENDZ’ on waiting for me. My heart skipped a couple of beats and I opened the box to find the most amazing and beautiful pair of nr 5 wedge sandals waiting to be tried on. SHOE EUPHORIA!!! …Now, I have been a fan of Errol Arendz, and his footwear in particular, since I can remember so this gift came from none other than my sister/best friend(she knows me best). I will be forever in her debt for buying me my very first Errol Arendz pair of shoes.
Errol Arendz wedges

You would think that this is a once in a lifetime kind of thing but I think shoe karma favoured me as this is not the first time I received dream footwear I didn’t have to pay for.

About two years ago I got a call from a lady (fairy godmother) telling me that I won a voucher at Europa Art worth R 2 500!!! Normally the R 2 500 voucher at Europa Art means that you can buy about ONE pair of shoes. But, as I said, shoe karma: My sister and I went to Europa art in the middle of a shoe sale and left there with  4 (YES FOUR) pairs of exquisite and beautiful shoes! (3 pairs for me and 1 pair for my sister).
Had the shoes not been on sale the total amount would have been R 7 760. !!!
Call it shoe karma, call it dumb luck or even call it faith I don’t care…

As long as I have shoes on my feet I will walk to the next shoe store! 

Europa Art shoes

The Steve Madden wedges weren’t a freebie, I actually paid for it but there are two reasons why I included the photo:

* They were on sale so I paid a lot less than usual.
* They are EXQUISITE! 

Steve Madden wedges

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